Sunday 27 September 2015

Development - The Synopsis


So, today I'll be talking about another step in the development part of my short film,
It's called the synopsis. 

In this part, me and my group had to pitch our film by telling the entire class our synopsis. 
Let me just clear up any confusions, a synopsis is - simply a clear, factual summary of the novel's/movie's story line. 

It's a bit difficult to speak of your movie and not telling them what exactly happens because you never know when you might give anything away!

Long story short, me and my group of girls had pitched perfectly and had also answered questions without giving the film away. 
Within the synopsis, we talked about our character's names, which were the following:

Michael Lewis,
Katherine Lopez
Courtney Hill

The girls are best friends and this is where Michael's character comes in..

I can't give away any more but once I've talked through most of the stages me and my group went through for this film; I'll most probably upload it onto this site!

When writing a synopsis, even if it's for a short film, it's important to highlight only the important bits. For example, for the movie i made, i said that it involves two best friends, with some background info on them and the male character but with no insight into him whatsoever. 
This leaves thee audience suspicious and wanting to know more..

What is the male character like?
Is he a good character or a bad character?
How does he enter the movie?

Many more questions should be swarming around the audience's head; and that's the whole point. 

Hopefully, that was helpful to you in understanding how me and my group created our synopsis and what should be included to make the best possible one.

Stay tuned for more stages from the film of My Best friend's Man. 

Thank you!

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